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Integrated Diploma  in
Agri  Input  Management for Input Dealers (AIM-ID
(Open for existing and aspiring dealers of Seed, Fertilizers and Insecticides)

Registrations will be opening shortly

NIPHM is a National level institute under the administrative control of the Department of Agriculture & Cooperation, Ministry of Agriculture & Farmer’s welfare, Government of India established in the year 1966 as Central Plant Protection Institute (CPPTI) at Hyderabad. The Institute was rechristened subsequently as National Plant Protection Training Institute (NPPTI).It became an autonomous body in the year 2008 with the expanded scope of promoting environmentally sustainable Plant Health Management practices in diverse and changing agro-climatic conditions and Plant Biosecurity Management and Pesticide Management through capacity building programmes, besides providing inputs for policy formulation on Plant Health Management, Plant Biosecurity, Invasive Alien Species, market access, Pesticide Management etc. at state and national level